Category: Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense Attorney in Hayward – How to Identify the Right One

Criminal Defense Attorney in Hayward – How to Identify the Right One

Hiring a criminal defense attorney can become a stressful experience if you don’t know what qualities he should possess to oversee the charges you are up against. Dealing in criminal charges is a matter of concern for you or for a family member alike.

That is why you need to find an experienced criminal defense attorney whom you can seek legal advice and can trust with your case. There is no doubt identifying the right lawyer to determine the extent of your case, how deep the implications and how it can affect you in the long run. Above all, you need a professional who can increase your chances of winning.

In light of this, here are certain considerations and suggestions that can facilitate you in this context.

Free Initial Consultation

Opting for a free consultation before making a final decision is a wise idea specifically regarding criminal charges. You will find various attorneys that offer free initial consultation. It is advised to make the most of this opportunity as this meeting will allow you to ask questions related to your case.

Moreover, you may learn whether you should go further with the particular attorney or the firm or not as you won’t be obligated to hire the lawyer after consultation. Therefore, don’t forget to bring case-related documents along with a list of questions that you should ask regarding your charges.

Experience in the Field

People may advise you to consult with an experienced attorney to get rid of the charges. That is true, however, experience does not guarantee quality representation or success if the lawyer does not possess the required experience regarding the charges you are facing.

Therefore, you should always consider this aspect before hiring an attorney. In most cases, defense lawyers practice distinctive niches. That is why you need to find whether the lawyer you are hiring has relevant experience or not.

Apart from this, you should ask if he practices criminal cases regularly or occasionally – you need someone experienced – someone who has the insight, the tenacity and the knowledge to turn things around in a blink of an eye. You need someone who has an entourage of professionals and skilled paralegals and other attorneys.

State or Federal Attorney

There are two court systems you can you can present your allegations, face charges or defend them. These are the state and federal court systems.

Each one system follows a distinctive procedure and a set of laws. Hence, when hiring an attorney always ask for his areas of practice to avoid any inconvenience.

Sources to Find an Attorney

You should stay aware phony lawyers and scammers that guarantee success and opt for a professional attorney by doing extensive research – and you have to invest sometime into it. You should only find the lawyer via an online search or by asking for referrals in your social circle or family.

In most cases, the professional ones are the part of various criminal defense organizations and you can contact them online as their details are available on the internet.

Bottom Line

Dealing with criminal charges isn’t a pleasant experience. If you or someone you know is going through this hard time, call Earl Jiang at 866-263-7866 without further delay or send a contact email at Earljiang.


Here’s Why You Should Avoid Personal Opinions and Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney in Fremont, CA

Here’s Why You Should Avoid Personal Opinions and Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney in Fremont, CA

It is an overwhelming experience to find oneself under criminal accusations regardless of the fact whether or not one is at fault. Some people recommend finding your way through the legal system, but such navigation can be extremely daunting unless you know where to go exactly. When already going through a difficult time, it is always advisable to find oneself a criminal defense attorney to help you with paperwork, trials, pleadings and other related legal procedures.

Following are some of the prominent benefits that come along hiring a criminal defense lawyer:

They Are Expert in Their Niche

Criminal defense attorneys are specifically qualified to defend their clients. Their qualifications lead them to understand and develop a strong case on behalf of the client considering every aspect of the law procedures. Moreover, it is also their job to avoid any inconsistencies and loopholes in the case and present the information in the best way possible that will defend their client from the criminal charges.

Awareness of Criminal System of Law

Going into the battle without being well equipped can be a very unpleasant experience. If you do have a lot of knowledge, being deep down in the river yourself can inhibit you in optimally utilizing your skills. An attorney has sufficient knowledge about the judges, prosecutors, and other crucial law members. This knowledge is sure to help them build a strong case in your defense.

Developing a Strong Strategy

For a successful case to develop, aside from the knowledge, the specific approach to take to go about is also crucial. They are pros at designing a suitable strategy to handle the case.

Defense against Penalties

In cases where prosecutors are harshly dealing the alleged defendants, criminal attorneys make sure to defend your innocence and help you deal with ruthless prosecutors. They are also quite helpful in saving you from unfair sentencing in cases where you are found guilty.

Offer Immediate Ways to Extenuate Risks

Patience might be a virtue in other aspects of life, but in criminal cases, it is not considered a good omen as it helps the prosecutor strengthen their case. Immediate, quick actions taken by the attorney can help in mitigating the consequences and risks of your case

They Have a Team to Do Complete Operations

From tracking down witnesses to cross-examining them, gathering important evidence and preparing important documentation, qualified staff and resources become crucial, and an attorney likely possesses them.

They Are a Barrier between Their Client and Law Enforcement Agencies

Law enforcement has to go through your lawyer first before contacting you. Having an attorney saves you from the intimidation that might be done by the law, and it also prevents a hasty decision from your side.

Long-Term Financial Advantages and Time-Efficiency

It is quite self-explanatory. Getting over and done with the case once and for all saves a good deal of time and money that you might have to otherwise spend in the long run had there been loopholes In the case.

Source of Emotional and Moral Support

At a time where you are the center of one too many accusations, an outsider who is well equipped with necessary knowledge can save you a lot of stress and anxiety and generally can be good for your mental health. If you or someone you know has been physically injured due to someone’s negligence, contact Earl Jiang at 866-263-7866 immediately.

Tragedy in Torrance, suspected DUI driver fatally shot

Tragedy in Torrance, suspected DUI driver fatally shot

On behalf of Earl L. Jiang, Attorney at Law | posted in Felony DUI on Monday, October 16, 2017.

KTLA 5 reports that at 2 AM  Saturday, Torrance police officers attempted to stop a suspected DUI driver traveling along the Pacific Coast highway.

After failing to do so using techniques such as the PIT maneuver, they opened fire several streets away from their initial encounter into the driver’s vehicle.

Officers attempted to perform life-saving measures on the driver, and he was taken to the hospital, where he later passed away.

No officers were injured in the event and the news is not reporting whether or not the driver was armed.

Source: KTL5, “Suspected DUI Driver Fatally shot by Police in Torrance After Pursuit“, October 14th, 2017

In such tragedies death and flight is never the solution, experienced legal counsel is needed for all parties to seek a fair, just, and equitable resolution. Attorney Earl Jiang can help.