Alleged Street Racer Faces DUI Charges
When a suspected impaired driver tries to flee the scene of an accident, the charges become more serious, especially if there were injuries. What might have been only a DUI charge may turn out to be a felony charge — making the potential penalties more severe. Facing such charges is usually easier with the support of an experienced criminal defense attorney.
According to a report by the California Highway Patrol, an SUV smashed into a house after allegedly participating in street racing. Officers say two SUVs collided at an intersection after they appeared to have been involved in chasing each other. The impact of the collision caused one SUV to careen onto private property and slam into a porch of the residence. One of the four people who were on the porch at the time was transported to the hospital for treatment of injuries.
The CHP report further states that witnesses said the driver and her passenger ran from the accident scene. When officers located her a short while later on another street, they arrested the suspected driver and charged her with felony hit-and-run and felony DUI. Reportedly, the other driver drove away from the scene and remains at large.
Any California driver who is accused of DUI-related offenses will likely seek the support and guidance of a criminal defense attorney who is skilled in protecting the rights of a person facing a DUI charge. Only once the prosecution has proved the plaintiff’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt can the verdict be a conviction. The attorney can examine the charges and the evidence and work toward the best possible outcome based on the circumstances, which might be achieved through negotiations or litigation.
Source:, “SUV crashes into porch, injures woman“, Doug Keeler, April 27, 2017