Caught With Marijuana In Your Car? A Lawyer Can Help You Know Your Rights
The new drug law has permitted consumers to buy, smoke, or cultivate marijuana in California. Over 21 adults are allowed to possess one ounce of the drug and you can use eight ounces of cannabis for medical purposes. However, consumers are advised to stay vigilant in this context even after the legalization of marijuana.
Proposition 64 contains a set of diverse rules which as an adult, you are expected to learn and follow as even slight negligence may land you in harrowing circumstances. There are certain factors that you need to ensure before opting it like the quantity of the drug. For instance, smoking a joint is prohibited in public places, you cannot purchase it without showing an ID, or you require a license whether it is for medical purpose or an adult use.
It is worth noting that the state holds strict policy for getting caught with marijuana in the car or even under the influence of the drug. This is why you should consult with a lawyer in that particular case and learn about your rights.
“Open Container” Law
California Vehicle code 23222(b) makes it unlawful for you to drive while having possession of marijuana. It includes:
- Drugs found in an open or unsealed container
- Not found in a container
Violation of the rule is punishable and you may encounter a fine of up to $100. You will need a certified attorney in this case. The lawyer will ensure that California Highway Patrol (CHP) will not charge Vehicle Code 23222(b) against you if the drug was obtained under the recreational possession laws or medical marijuana laws in California.
Moreover, driving with an open container of marijuana is strictly prohibited. It is an infraction which comes with a whopping $250 fine. Additionally, individuals under 18 who found guilty in the case will be given drug education and will have to spend time doing community service.
Possessing More Than the Legal Amount
You may be charged with a California misdemeanor or face a fine if the marijuana found in your possession is more in quantity than permitted by the law. Recreational marijuana law hinders retaining more than 28.5 grams. You will need a lawyer to fight your case when it comes to committing a misdemeanor because it is categorized as a crime and it can send you to a county jail for a year in the case.
The Condition for People Under 21
You cannot keep any amount of marijuana in your possession if you are under 21. There is a possibility of compliance with medical marijuana laws of California. As a result, you may come in effect of Vehicle Code 23222. Moreover, cases like these are better handed over to an attorney who has specialized in marijuana law in your state. Not to mention, criminal charges like these could have a damaging effect on your future which is why they must be dealt with legally.
Bottom Line
Contact Earl Jiang at 866-263-7866 and learn more about your rights without further delay.
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