What Can a Family Lawyer in Newark, CA Help You With
Family members are like protections for each other but not all families are perfect. When a family divides, those who have promised to be by your side through thick and thin can cause the most damage to you. You might not realize but you can face problems in many different ways if you don’t have proper legal protection in a family law case. It is only a family lawyer in Newark, CA who can really help you with family related legal matters and save you from financial and emotional damage. Here is how your professional family lawyer can help you.
With Child Support and Custody
Separation in a divorce is just as painful for children as it is for the parents. However, one of the biggest issues is of child custody and support. You might be fulfilling all the legal requirements to have child custody but you will have to prove it to the court to get it. In some cases, you are being asked by your ex-partner to pay much more toward child support than is necessary. This could be financially devastating for you and also unavoidable until there is a professional and experienced family lawyer in Newark, CA is on your side.
With Divorce and Annulment
In a proper divorce case, when it is proved that you two were legally married, a lot might go out of your hands when everything gets settled. The property you own might get divided into two halves. More importantly, a business you own will also go to your spouse, which is something most people don’t want. But if you are in a situation where it can be proved that you never married? Maybe you never married but your separated partner now wants to take advantage of the situation and take a chunk out of your property? Or maybe you were married but your ex-spouse is trying to prove that you were never married.
With Paternity Issues
Paternity issue can arise in a family case in different ways. First, you might be a wife trying to prove the paternity of your child but your ex-husband is denying it, hence you cannot get any financial support. Second, you might be a father who knows the child is yours but have been denied of any rights to meet the child or take care of him/her. In either case, a professional family lawyer can help you claim and obtain the rights to be with your child who is legally and biologically yours.
With Alimony
When you file a divorce case and separate, you might be required to provide financial support for your ex-spouse. This money is called the alimony. However, the alimony arranged in a case might be too much for you to pay. If you think the amount is unfair, you need to get in touch with a family lawyer as soon as possible. It is also possible that the alimony amount that has been arranged is too small for you to meet your necessary expenses. An experienced family lawyer can best help here.
So, if you are facing any of the situations stated above or want your divorce case to be resolved with the help of a mediator, you should contact a family lawyer in Newark, CA today.If you or someone you love is in legal trouble, call Earl Jiang today, your professional and local Newark, CA lawyer at 866-263-7866 today.